
5 Reasons to Hire a Graphic Recording Artist

Hybrid, fully remote, and in-person meetings/events need an edge to captivate an audience. Working with a graphic recording artist gives you the best opportunity to elevate your messaging and communicate big ideas to your audience in an entertaining, engaging, and memorable way.

How in-Person Graphic Recording Works

Live graphic recording involves a specially trained sketch artist that creates real-time visual notes during presentations, live events, panel discussions, brainstorming sessions, workshops, and other environments where complex conversations take place. 

These notes incorporate text and images specifically aligned to an ongoing presentation or discussion and are used to enhance and emphasize the critical talking points, key themes, major takeaways, and big ideas.

As the speaker addresses the audience, the conversation unfolds, or the workshop commences, the graphic recording artist actively listens and creates live illustrations highlighting key concepts and main points. This unique presentation of text and images actually aids an audience in better understanding and retaining large amounts of information communicated to them during the virtual event.

In short, graphic recording artists will create fully-customized illustrations that are completely unique to your message and provides a valuable memorialization of your event. 

How Digital Graphic Recording Works

Digital graphic recorder sketching on a tablet during a virtual meeting

Just as graphic recording artists can create personalized live sketches at live events, the digital application of Graphic Recording is also an excellent option for virtual meetings. By incorporating virtual graphic recording in your online event, a graphic recording artist enables you to connect with your remote participants in a meaningful and engaging way.

It’s an exciting feature that will entertain and engage your audience in lively and stimulating new ways, helping them understand your points more quickly, connect with your presentation on a deeper level, and retain what you have communicated with them longer. It’s like a virtual visual note that stays in their memory longer and in more detail than typical communication, which relies solely on text or audio.

After the event, the graphic recording (which was created live and in real-time), will be available to you in either a still JPEG image or time-lapse video format. This makes for great social media content and can be shared post-event with both attendees and anyone who couldn’t make it. It’s a fantastic way to reach an even larger audience than would have been possible without a graphic recording artist working with you.

Five Reasons to Hire a Graphic Recording Artist

Infographic about the science of visual communication

Incorporating the skills and expertise of a graphic recording artist into your next live or online meeting is an excellent idea for many different reasons.  Here are the top five.

    • Capture Attention: Holding an audience’s attention can be difficult, especially over virtual meeting platforms. A live sketch unfolding in real-time is a fantastic attention grabber and guarantees greater engagement.
    • Humans Are Visual Creatures: we process information that’s portrayed with images 60,000 times faster than the same information presented in text or audio. This holds true even for people who aren’t self-described visual learners!
    • Retain Information Longer: Key ideas and concepts communicated via digital graphic recording aren’t just more engaging and processed more quickly — they stick around longer. Information presented using images helps people remember specific ideas long after the event is over and retain them more completely.
    • Cut Through Distractions: We live in a world of many screens and many demands on our attention. During both live events and virtual gatherings, it can be hard to compete with the various text messages, emails, and other notifications that we’re all subjected to on an ongoing basis. Graphic recording artists grab the attention of your audience and keep it.
    • Maximize Shareability: Graphic recording services create a final deliverable that maximizes shareability. From social media promotion, to expertly recapping the event for individuals unable to attend, graphic recording provides a unique opportunity to memorialize critical messaging that might otherwise get lost or overlooked.

The Sketch Effect: Leading Graphic Recording Artists

Graphic recording by The Sketch Effect titled "Unicorn or Octopus?" created for EIQ

While there are plenty of companies that offer graphic recording services, we have to wave our own flag here for just a moment.

Our graphic recording artists have sketched for companies and organizations such as Amazon, Coca-Cola, Marriott, Chick-fil-A, and many others, to have helped them reach their audiences more completely. 

But we’re not just here for the big guys! We take great pride in our ability to help anyone and everyone reach their audience in compelling, entertaining, and memorable ways. This includes educational, non-profit, and other organizations that want to take their events to the next level.

If you’re looking for ways to maximize the value of your next meeting or event, we’d love the opportunity to work with you to help you achieve your objectives.

CTA graphic with images of graphic recording artists live sketching at in-person events

Schedule a consultation today to share your ideas, discuss your event needs, and learn how The Sketch Effect can help.