Begin Your Journey
In the Art of Sketchnoting

Learn Sketchnotes in a way that's EASY and FUN!

Sketchnoting, an innovative method of expressing ideas visually, combines sketches, symbols, and text to create dynamic and memorable notes.

It’s easy, fun, and incredibly rewarding for learners at all levels.

Our online visual note taking course, "The FUNdamentals of Sketchnotes," is perfect for sketchnoting beginners, and equally enriching for those already versed in visual note-taking.

Our course and workshops are designed to guide every participant, to refine their skills, through the exciting world of sketchnoting.

So why wait?

Start or continue your sketchnoting adventure with us today!

The FUNdamentals of Sketchnotes

Learn to create sketchnotes with us! We'll make it easy and fun for you to learn the basic skills so you can:

  • Better understand and remember lessons.
  • Document your memories and experiences.
  • Share and teach big ideas with others.

By the end of this course, you'll transform the way you capture ideas and experiences.

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Visualize your Goals

Conquer your dreams through the art of sketchnoting. This unique workshop focuses on using sketchnoting as a tool for clarity and goal setting.

  • Help you gain clear insight into your personal and professional aspirations.
  • Teach you how to use visual note taking as a method to map out and focus on your goals.
  • Empower you to translate abstract goals into concrete actions.
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Join the Sketch society

An online hub where visual note takers from all corners of the globe unite! If you're passionate about sketchnoting, this is the perfect place for you to connect, learn, and grow.

  • Global Connections: Meet, interact, and engage in group sketching with sketchnoters from around the world.
  • Showcase Your Work: Share your sketchnotes and receive constructive feedback.
  • Learn from Peers: Gain unique insights and techniques from fellow members.
  • Participate: Take part in collaborative sketching sessions with sketchnoters.
  • Encourage and Inspire: Contribute to a supportive and inspiring environment.
Join For FREE

Meet your coaches

It's easy to learn anything by yourself on the internet but, if you want substantial and meaningful growth, having coaches and a community to support you is the best way.

That's what William and Alejo, and the entire Sketch Effect Society, are here for: to help you become your best at sketchnotes.

William Warren

The visionary.

Founded The Sketch Effect in 2013 and since then has helped lots of companies make their events and corporate communication more engaging.

William brings to the table his valuable sketchnote expertise, business knowledge, and all the dad jokes.

Drawing of William

Alejo Porras

The sketching ninja.

Started up at The Sketch Effect as a Graphic Recorder and quickly ascended to become the Creative Lead and coach for the team.

Alejo is always learning and sharing great insights with his fun sketches and personality.

Why Learn Sketchnoting With Us?

Learning online doesn't have to be lonely.

With our courses, workshops, and the Sketch Society, you're part of a community. William, Alejo, and the entire team are here to support your growth in sketchnoting.

Discover from our participants how we've reshaped their note-taking and creativity.

Ready to Start?

Embrace the art of sketchnoting today. Buy our course, join a workshop, and become part of a community that's as passionate about visual note taking as you are. Let's sketchnote!

Our Signature Course

9 lessons, 48 videos, 22 exercises

The FUNdamentals of Sketchnotes

Learn to create sketchnotes with us!

We’ll make it easy and fun for you to learn the basic skills so you can:

• Better understand and remember lessons.
• Document your memories and experiences.
• Share and teach big ideas with others.

By the end of this course, you'll transform the way you capture ideas and experiences.
Buy Course

Sketch Society

The corner of the internet to connect and learn from sketchnoters around the world!

Sketch society